Island in the Sun (1957)

Action, Drama, Romance
Joan Collins, James Mason, Joan Fontaine, Harry Belafonte
Set on a fictitious island in the Caribbean during colonial British rule, the film focuses on the life of a charismatic, handsome young Black man with political aspirations. Upon returning home, he is taken aback when his romantic liaison with a white female runs into conflict with his political views. As rumor has it, an interracial screen kiss caused quite a commotion in the U.S. when this movie was released. The plot is further strengthened by a look at the lives of a white expatriate family also living on the island who are forced to deal with problems of infidelity, racism, and murder. The family has to deal with problems of infidelity, racism, and murder.—Warren D. Mottley
  • 1957-06-12 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Robert Rossen Director:
  • N/A Website:

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1 Vietnamese subtitle tieu_tung
