Alpha Dog (2006)

Action, Biography, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Bruce Willis, Amanda Seyfried, Olivia Wilde, Amber Heard
1999, Claremont, California. Middle-class 20somethings talk trash, wave guns, hang out in a pack. Johnny Truelove, drug dealer and son of a underworld figure, threatens Jake Mazursky, an explosive head case who owes Johnny money; Jake responds by breaking into Johnny's house. On impulse, Johnny and a couple of pals kidnap Jake's 15-year-old brother Zach. Zach's OK with it, figuring that his brother will pay the debt soon. Johnny assigns his buddy Frankie to be Zach's minder, and they develop a brotherly friendship. Zach parties with his captors as things begin to spin out of control. Group think, amorality, and fear of prison assert a hold on the pack. Is Zach in danger?—
  • 2006-01-27 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Nick Cassavetes Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:
